Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Prompt #9: Constructivism

Peterson synthesized Constructivist Theory in her slides.

With your new understanding of that concept, describe how you believe it might have been “at work” in the process of some of your own learning.


  1. There were many times that I would get a study group together to review areas that were confusing to me. So I would say that I do learn better by collaboration than by just sitting in a lecture. This gives me the opportunity to hear a topic from different perspectives and allows me to think about it and apply my own conclusions to the task. I seem to retain information better by discussion and then applying it.

  2. Constructivist theory played a role in my learning when we work in groups. In the groups we shared knowledge and helped each other to grow in our knowledge. I can think of times in high school were we learning was shared between us and the teacher.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am very much a hands on learner. There are a lot of times that I would have to learn on my own first before I could migrate to a group dynamic. When the collaboration exercises would take place I would then feel more comfortable speaking about specific topics.


  5. Many of of the research papers and projects, I had in science displayed constructivism. The teacher gave us the rubic that we need to follow but we choose the topic and what angle we pursued that topic. I think a learned more doing this that memorizing facts. Another example is filling up the slp. We have to process the re-process the information in class or blog and place it in appropiate places.

  6. I can see this theory at play during my time as a graduate student for my MA program. It seemed like especially during my K-12 education everyone stressed facts, or "classical knowledge," and then my undergraduate challenged "classical knowledge" with "contemporary knowledge," and then once I got to graduate school it seemed the professors felt I had enough to ask me what I thought. We would research a topic on our own time, present it in class, and hammer out it's relevance, or lack thereof, and why? Many times, someone in class would argue a stance that the professor admitted they hadn't previously considered. It was a wonderful experience, and some of my best learning and most stimulating conversations came from.

    Apologies to everyone for the link not working! I hope you took the time to type it in manually and watch the clip. If I use a video again, I will try to imbed instead.

    1. I did, and found it most interesting.
      Thanks for sharing.

  7. I feel that Constructivist theory allows a student to be more engaged by expressing their opinion and knowledge. Working in groups allowed me to have more interaction and have a better understanding of the subject.
