Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Prompt #7: Multiple Intelligences

Review Franklin’s research summary of Multiple Intelligences Theory. 

Describe how the concept of Multiple Intelligences has some credence with you because of what you have seen in the way someone very close to you learns.


  1. My sister is a very creative she can get materials and decorate a room which fall under spatial intelligence. She is also a people person which describes iterpersonal intellegence. She struggles with math and science or logical intellegence.

  2. I do believe the concept of multiple intelligences does have some credence. My brother learns best through linguistic not the traditional direct lecture and read the textbook. He is also very interpersonal and I think this also helps him to learn. I think that students all learn in different ways. I think it is important to remember that and try to use different ways of teaching in the classroom.

  3. Sorry had not finished my thought. My sister is a visual learner. She has told me several times that she sees a picture in her head of how colors and shapes fall and then she recreate it.

  4. My best friend since the 3rd grade. In high school she was always the "street smart" type with a rebellious way about her. I always knew that there was the Intellectual Smart part but her stubborn ways got the best of her. We went to college together and I got to see her develop into the Intellectual Smart person. She is now currently getting her Phd but still has her street smarts at her side.

  5. I definitely subscribe to this theory in seeing how different family members and friends tackle certain tasks. My dad is almost entirely logical/mathematical, with precious little interpersonal skills. My mother is the opposite (thank goodness). A good friend of mine is close to finishing his Ph.D. in fine arts, with an emphasis in music, and even though I was something of a band nerd in my junior high-high school years, he completely loses me when he gets to talking about musical stuff.

  6. My husband it someone who would benefit from multiple intelligences. He suffered a brain injury as a young man which in turn caused him to be faced with dyslexia and short term memory loss. He would benefit from collaborative learning and by applying his knowledge to his everyday tasks. He is someone who learns by doing and not just by lecture.

  7. My wife definitely learns through linguistic, being a spanish teacher and loving the cultures music, she can relate to her students by music.
