Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Prompt #6: Willingham

Look at the research done by Meza on Dan Willingham’s Research/Writings. (I sent those slides to your email account earlier as a PDF, for fluid operation).

Share with us how a teacher in your past has skillfully deployed one of the concepts espoused by Willingham. 


  1. I had a teacher once who pretty taught a class "traditionally" as little as possible. She always had different activities for us. Some went really well, and some of them occasionally bombed, but she was able to recover well. By always doing something different, it got to the point where the majority of us were already engaged in the class before we walked through the door. She went out of her way to make it interesting for us, so we wanted to learn.

  2. My history teacher in high school would teach us the concept but she would make sure that the knowledge went deeper. She did not want us just to memorize the facts but truly understand what we were learned. She wanted the knowledge to stay with us not just till the test was over. She taught us in different ways and had us do different activities to help us learn.

  3. I remember my biology teacher in high school would make us outline our chapters. In one of Mr. Willingham article, one of the concepts that he talks about is giving active reading assigment by outlining or by using more in depht questions that start with explain and describe.

  4. I would have to say my father. He taught DECA in high school (Distribute Education Club of America), that is why the first half of my live was in business. The class consisted of testing on specific business skills, writing business plans, and interviewing skills. My father always took it to the next level and had us implement the business plan and speak to professionals in the real world. He would always ensure that we succeeded in the competitions at both the state and national levels. To this day, I love hearing from former students of his saying that he was the biggest influence in their lives giving them the skills they needed for the real world.

    1. Is your dad looking for a job?

      Sounds like my kinda teacher.

  5. I would have to say that Dr. Unfred who taught one of my graduate courses was one instructor who made sure we connected to the material on a deeper level. He taught by collaborative teaching methods in that he put us in groups and had us discuss certain topics and then come back and present to the class as a whole. He also gave us exams in an essay format where we had to explain our thoughts and not just selecting a multiple choice answer. He had us think about what we had learned and apply it.

  6. In my history class we had to keep an outline of events that happened, date order was not revelant but in an order of how we felt it impacted our history.
