Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Prompt #8: Behaviorism

Consider the slides about Behaviorism that Worley put together for us. 

Share with us an instance in which you think a teacher in your past was completely inept with regard to understanding and effectively applying the concept of Behaviorism.


  1. I would have to say my 6th grade science teacher. He was somewhat of a "mad scientist" type that was very passionate for the subject matter. There were times looking back that I questioned his classroom management when it was evident that no one was listening. He would just continue on talking without regard to how the class was acting. (and there was some acting out) He seemed to be the type of teacher that would say "I taught them I don't know why they don't understand".

    1. Some acting out? Betting a LOT more than "some."

  2. I had a teacher once who established on the first day of class that his classroom was his domain, and we were well-fortuned visitors for being allowed to visit. I think his understanding of Behaviorism was limited to the punishment end of the spectrum...but he offered precious little incentive to engage in class, and became very frustrated when the majority of his students weren't doing well, and had no respect for him.

    1. I think if I was his student I would have a hardtime respecting him as well.

    2. Yeah he lost me when he said all the girls could expect to fail the class because Chemistry was a man's subject.

  3. My third grade teacher is an example of someone who I believe was inept in applying the concept of behaviorism. I had an instance where I got up and got a drink of water at the fountain while she was talking. While I was doing that she walked up behind me and swated me on the behind. This not only embarassed me but also seemed to make me her target for the rest of the school year. It seemed like everytime I turned around I was doing something that made her mad at me and I would end up sitting in the hall.

    1. You sure you didn't prefer sitting in the hall (as opposed to being under her tutelage)?

    2. Well yeah I would say so. She was not a nice person and I don't think she was really that great of a teacher. She should have chose another profession.

  4. It would have to be when teachers get on to students for talking and have a punishment but they do not keep up with the punishment every time it happens. Teachers have to have the same punishment every time it happens if not the behavior will never stop. Teachers have to be consentient.

    1. I would have to agree Anna but what kind of punishment would be an appropriate way to teach students not to talk during class.

  5. In my sophomore english class, my teacher was obsessed with watching birds, she would teach while looking out the window, with no regards if anyone was learning the subject, now i am a product of her teaching.:(

    1. That's horrible! I totally laughed out loud as I formed a visual in my head at what that would look like...but wow!

  6. I was thinking of my geometry teacher in high school. At the beginning of the semester, I had problems with some of the questions in my homework. When I went to class, some of my friends had the same problems with the questions. She ask us at the beginning of class if we had questions so I raised my hand and ask about a certain problem. Instead of going through the problem, the teacher turns to one of gifted students and ask them if she had problems with that question. This person said "no." The teacher turned around and says to come after school if I need extra help and continues with the class. I felt stupid, embarrased, and angry. I can tell you that I never raised my hand again or ask any questions, I barely passed her class. Behaviorism falls in in the way she responded to my question. If she had told me that the question would take long to explain and she could do it better after school, I would have gone to her tutoring class. So she set low expectation for me and my other peers so we performed with low results.
