Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Prompt #10: Ken Wilber

Reflecting on the summary Parker provided with regard to her study of Ken Wilber’s Research/Writing, what do you find to be the most interesting portion of those findings?



  1. What I find most interesting about her findings is that Wilber's believes a person can be at various levels of development: high
    cognition, medium morals, low spiritual.

    1. Makes perfect sense, but I've just never heard anyone else frame it that way.

  2. What I find interested is that Mr. Wilber considers all phases of life not just the intellectual part. These concepts reflects how a educator has to be. We have to consider social, personal, moral, intellectual part of of child and we try to build the child in the parts he is lacking so we can get the learning process to take place.

  3. Wilber's theories are about thinking outside of the box and not so much about cramming as much information as you can in the box. The learning process is about what is being left out not so much about everything that you have already included.

  4. I think the most interesting part of this theory is that he uses the mind, body, and spirit of a human being in order to determine their learning ability. This theory I think goes back to the original theological approach to teaching but without crossing the boundaries as outlined in today's society.

  5. I agree with Anna - I think it's very interesting how people can be at varying levels of development. I learned a while ago that intelligence and maturity can be mutually exclusive, and I suppose the same cam be said for morality and spirituality. (Although that being said I suppose this makes sense, thinking back on last class when we had topics over each of these things...)

  6. Mr Wilber's theory of AQAL -(all quadrants;all levels) to create a multidimensional learning environment.
