Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Prompt #2: Ed Psych Chapter 4 (1.0)

Take 10 minutes to review your reading of Chapter 4.

In the portion of Chapter 4 that deals with “Intelligence,” share with us the most powerful NEW learning for you.


  1. The "triarchic theory of successful intelligence" grabbed my attention and had me thinking about it for the better part of the week. I've been very fortunate to not only love learning, but to have it come easy as well. I never thought to break it down into various steps and processes. In the same line of thinking, all of the various potential impairments to learning which were covered throughout the chapter (ADHD, speech disorders, emotional disorders, etc.) really opened my eyes to what all can come between a student and learning.

  2. The fact that there are 8 different types of intellegence. When I think of intellengence, I think of book smart. If a person that is book smart, he might not be word smart or linguistic( which is one of our intellegences). In other words, the word "intellegence" has more to it than I thought.

  3. I think the most powerful new learning for me is the section on multiple intelligences: lessons for teachers. Gardner although flawed I think had a good idea on how to understand students and to teach them. He said teachers should take individual differnces among students seriously and differeniate their instruction to connect with each student. Secondly, he said any skill, concept, or discipline should be taught in a number of ways.

  4. The most powerful new learning for me would have to be multiple intelligences. I did not know that Gardner had eight intelligences that made up the multiple intelligences. I thought intelligence was just what we knew. I did not realize that there was so many different intelligences. I guess I was thinking that intelligence was a one type fit all kind of thing.

  5. The gender differences in intelligence caught my attention. Although there isn't much difference between the boys and girls in the general areas. When it comes to testing more specific/specialized areas, the gender intelligence differed depending on the nation. This is just one more element as to why it is so important to understand the differing cultures/background of our students.

  6. The idea that many different types of intellegence define a persons character or preception. Gardners theory believes that intelligence has a biological base of linguistic and logical mathematical skills. I liked that some critics suggest that several intelligences are really talents.
