Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Prompt #11: Sign Off

We’re done for the nights, folks.

Thanks for your good thinking, your rich responses, and your thoughtful reflections.

The email with your assignments for next week is sitting in your Inbox  (let me know if they're not).

See you in person at WBU on March 26.

Prompt #10: Ken Wilber

Reflecting on the summary Parker provided with regard to her study of Ken Wilber’s Research/Writing, what do you find to be the most interesting portion of those findings?


Prompt #9: Constructivism

Peterson synthesized Constructivist Theory in her slides.

With your new understanding of that concept, describe how you believe it might have been “at work” in the process of some of your own learning.

Prompt #8: Behaviorism

Consider the slides about Behaviorism that Worley put together for us. 

Share with us an instance in which you think a teacher in your past was completely inept with regard to understanding and effectively applying the concept of Behaviorism.

Prompt #7: Multiple Intelligences

Review Franklin’s research summary of Multiple Intelligences Theory. 

Describe how the concept of Multiple Intelligences has some credence with you because of what you have seen in the way someone very close to you learns.

Prompt #6: Willingham

Look at the research done by Meza on Dan Willingham’s Research/Writings. (I sent those slides to your email account earlier as a PDF, for fluid operation).

Share with us how a teacher in your past has skillfully deployed one of the concepts espoused by Willingham.